Ms Tomi Nakamura is an instructor and an executive assistant at Kimono Gakuen. She opened Kimono Gallery Wa Yawara to promote two-piece kimonos which look like the traditional kimono. Tomi plans to exhibit at “Festival Brisbane” which will be held in September this year.
What do you think Japanese companies and/or government needs to do to help women in Japan?
Politicians seem only to support standard households (full time worker husband, housewife and two kids), and forsake the rest. I hope they will reform and review their own consciousness.
What advice do you have for the next generation of women in Japan?
First and foremost, and irrespective of gender, we should be good people, people who can be trusted.
中村十美さんはきもの学院の学院長秘書しながら着付け講師も兼務。その後、その人に似合う、品質、センスの良い着物を着てもらいたい思いから、練馬に「きものギャラリー和やわら」オープン。 誰にでも簡単に着れて、従来の着物姿と変わらなく見える二部式着物を作り、国内外の人に広めくべく展開中。