Mika Matsuo-Sekiguchi is CHRO of AIG Japan Holdings. Her mission is to disrupt Japanese social practices and mindsets via new AIG Japan employee friendly programs for their 9,000+ people. Mom to a working millennial son, Mika is keenly aware of generation gap issues.
Follow Mika on Twitter at @daichanmommy2
What do you think Japanese companies and/or government needs to do to help women in Japan?
The government must listen to forerunners and work on changing the mindset of Japanese men. By moving away from gender-based assumptions, our society will be friendlier towards all workers. Let’s persuade Diet members of the support for mindset changes and that the time for change is now!
What advice do you have for the next generation of women in Japan?
Have courage! Just go for it! If there is an opportunity, take it! Don’t be afraid to choose! You can have it all – family, career, your own life!
関口(松尾)美香は AIG Japan Holdings取締役人事担当執行役員です。約9000人の従業員全員、男女を問わず誰でもが働きやすく、生産性の高い職場を目指し、人事制度改革や社員向プログラムを通して社会通念に風穴を開けるべく。ミレニアル世代社会人の息子持つ母としても、日々悩みがつきません。
自信を持って! チャンスがあるのなら、怖がらずにチャレンジしよう!選択する必要なんか無い!欲しいもの全てを手に入れようー家庭、キャリア、自分の人生!