Akari Yoshida graduated from Rikkyo University and now works as a consultant at RGF Professional Recruitment Japan, one of the largest bilingual recruitment companies. Akari believes her 10 months as an exchange student at Queenland University of Technology greatly contributed to her current career.
What do you think Japanese companies and/or government needs to do to help women in Japan?
Firstly, I strongly believe in the importance of respecting not only other people but also ourselves. I hope Japan will one day become a great place for women to work. Maybe consider more flexible work options such as flextime and career programs post maternity leave.
What advice do you have for the next generation of women in Japan?
Get rid of stereotypes such as “We are supposed to be / do this.” Everyone thinks in a different way and that’s what makes us beautiful and valuable as people. Take your time, try to find who you really are, then enjoy everyday life!!
東京生まれ、吉田朱里 さんは 6年間女子校後、立教大学経営学部へ入学。大学時代に卒業時期を1年ずらし、大学4年次に10ヶ月の豪州のQUTにて交換留学し、今年立教大学を卒業した。4月からはリクルートのグローバルブランドRGFにてバイリンガル人材の転職活動をサポートするコンサルタントとして勤務。