After graduating from Keio University (law), Noriko Koike worked for Nanto Bank, then Grindlays Bank - in treasury, private sales and after that compliance. She is now Director of Compliance at ING Bank. Married with one child, Noriko loves reading, music, movies and walking.
What do you thinkJapanese companies and/or government needs to do to help women in Japan?
Government and large corporates seem to value working styles like “being at office desk at work for long hours”, “respond to company orders promptly”. We need management style to reflect social change. We need to support SMEs and provide better back-up.
What advice do you have for the next generation of women in Japan?
If you don't look outwards and simply take advantage of the comfort of your own situation nothing will change and this will not help women in general. You need to reach high for freedom and freedom will be yours. Be kind to others and pay this forward to the next generation!
小池紀子さんは慶応義塾大学法学部法律学科卒、南都銀行, Grindlays Bankにて法人営業部・トレジャリーバックオフィス、コンプライアンスを経て、現在はアイエヌジーバンクエヌ・ヴイ東京支店コンプライアンス部長。ワーキングマザーで趣味は読書、音楽と映画鑑賞に散歩.