Kozue Oka is Executive Director of Mirai no Mori, a not-for profit organisation. Kozue, full time since 2015, has always believed in the power of nature as a positive influence on children. Mirai no Mori helps children who live in foster homes become more independent.
Follow Mirai no Mori on Twitter at @Mirai_no_Mori
What do you think Japanese companies and/or government needs to do to help women in Japan?
We should take another look at the concept of work-like balance. We need to broaden the role and type of role models of working women we have in Japan.
What advice do you have for the next generation of women in Japan?
Please take up the challenge! If you are trying your hardest, people will always reach out to support you.
特定非営利活動法人みらいの森エグゼクティブ・ディレクター岡こずえさん。自然の中で子どもたちを育むことのポジティブな影響に魅せられ、アウトドアを舞台に児童養護施設で暮らす子どもたちの自立をサポートするNPO。2015年よりMirai no Mori常勤スタッフとなりました。