Kazuko Ogawa is Director of Business Development at Conrad Tokyo. Her priorities are set in accordance with her own philosophy, and help her to achieve healthy work-life balance.
Listed here in order of importance:
1. Health
2. Family
3. Work
What do you think Japanese companies and/or government needs to do to help women in Japan?
In order to effectively utilise talented female workers and increase management, corporates should establish daycare centres inside the premises or contract nearby nursery schools as well as providing financial assistance.
What advice do you have for the next generation of women in Japan?
Facing challenges is fun - it stimulates you and even if you fail, your past achievements will remain untouched. Try to always be positive. Others will feel better when they see you smiling and this will bring good people into your life. People are your greatest asset.
小川和子さんは Conrad Tokyo で営業推進を担当いたしております副総支配人です。優先順位は1に健康、2に家族、3に仕事と、ワークライフバランスが整った状態で幸せに充実したときを過ごせるよう心がけています。とてもハッピーな毎日!