Sally Townsend first came to Japan in 2000. She helped set up Sarment (global luxury lifestyle brand) in 2017, after eight years in the wine industry. She is a mum to a 4-year old boy, on the executive of the Australia and New Zealand Chamber of Commerce and president of the Australia Society Tokyo.
What do you think Japanese companies and/or government needs to do to help women in Japan?
It is essential for companies to create working environments to help mothers come back to the workplace after maternity leave by recognising and respecting the knowledge and experience of these women and allowing proper paternity leave.
What advice do you have for the next generation of women in Japan?
Don’t accept no for an answer. Keep going; your strong will, guts and conviction will pave the way for you.
サリー・タウンゼンドは日本が大好きで2000年に英会話教師として来日。日本の大学を卒業し、ワイン業界に8年勤務、昨年から「SARMENT」というグローバルラグジュアリーブランド東京支社の解説に携わる。ANZCCJ の理事、ASTの会長。7年前、日本人男性と結婚し、4歳の息子と一緒に18年間日本に在住。