Yuki Chizui manages Nadeshiko Sushi, home of the world's first female sushi chef. Nadeshiko Sushi is committed to its role supporting female sushi chefs. Yuki has been working at Nadeshiko Sushi since it opened eight years ago after graduating from art school.
What do you think Japanese companies and/or government needs to do to help women in Japan?
In Japan, female participation is still in its early stages. There are very few female chefs at all and where there are, they have to work under male supervision and tend to work in family businesses. Female chefs need to be supported more so they can be active in the industry.
What advice do you have for the next generation of women in Japan?
Life is precious so take a stand over being defensive about stuff. Question out-of-date conventions and if not right or relevant anymore, take action and change those rules but never forget who you are and what it means to be a woman.