Born in 1981, Akiko Yamazaki graduated university and worked in a support role for a sales team, as a tax company secretary and now is office manager at Melanie Brock Advisory. She loves spending time with her two rescue cats Kibi and Nago. Kibinago means sardine in Japanese!
What do you think Japanese companies and/or government needs to do to help women in Japan?
Some of Akiko’s friends have had to move house or change jobs due to child care issues. Japan needs a better environment so people feel they can have children no matter how big the company they work for. This is important especially for small companies and when a freelance worker.
What advice do you have for the next generation of women in Japan?
What you want to do is more important than what you do. It’s ok to take your time to find out what it is you really like and what you want to do. You may feel you're wasting time or on a detour but in the end, this might just be an irreplaceable experience.
山嵜祥子は1981年生まれ。大学卒業後海外営業部のサポート、税理士法人秘書などを経て現在Melanie Brock Advisoryにてオフィスマネージャーとして勤務。忙しく働くメラニーの下で勉強の日々。プライベートでは保護猫キビとナゴの二匹と生活中。