Arisha majored in Japanese and moved to Tokyo in 2009 with an interest in cross-cultural work. She now hosts an English teaching YouTube channel, edits for UTokyo, and writes for Metropolis Tokyo. In 2018, she launched a video project featuring creatives working globally.
Follow Arisha on Twitter at @ArishaInTokyo
What do you think Japanese companies and/or government needs to do to help women in Japan?
The government could better support women in Japan by ensuring equal opportunities for women and men in work and study. It is essential for women to be included in decision-making processes at all levels in workplaces, educational institutions and community organisations.
What advice do you have for the next generation of women in Japan?
My advice is to work continuously to develop your skills and not just the skills you get from classes & textbooks. Think about what new abilities or experiences can help you move forward. Then, make something! Above all, create. Don't just absorb. Make things. Make yourself.
Arisha は日本語を専攻して2009年に文化交換活動の興味を持って東京に引っ越し。現在、英語教育のYouTubeチャンネルの担当(150万以上登録者)、東大の編集・翻訳者、「メトロポリス」雑誌のライターです。2018年、国際的なクリエーティブの方々とのビデオシリーズをスタート!