Aya Suzuki is from Ibaraki. She joined Business Airport Roppongi as a Front Manager a year ago. Business Airport is a share office/membership style operation. Aya cherishes and enjoys talking to people and believes communication is the key to doing good work. Her hobby is yoga.
What do you think Japanese companies and/or government needs to do to help women in Japan?
The government should provide an opportunity for balanced working environment and companies need to deliver that. Instead of simply insisting on gender equality, we should work out our strengths and weaknesses and help each other!
What advice do you have for the next generation of women in Japan?
I have learnt that to affect change in the broader world, you need to work on your self. If you are stressed and things aren’t going well, making changes where you can, for example, diet and exercise, will help, I think. Slowly but surely your view of the world will change, too.