Naoko Aoki is a U.S.-based researcher. She researches international security policy with a focus on North Korea. Prior to that, she worked as a reporter for a Japanese news agency for 14 years and left after serving as Beijing correspondent, moving to the US where she finished her doctorate.
Follow Naoko on Twitter at @naokoaoki
What do you think Japanese companies and/or government needs to do to help women in Japan?
There’s a deeply entrenched belief in Japan that women are responsible for all of the housework and childrearing. The assumption is that women will prioritize their home and leave their jobs or not work hard. Are there ways to make outsourcing of housework more affordable?
What advice do you have for the next generation of women in Japan?
Don’t let anyone talk you into believing that you can’t do something. If you want to do something and think you can do it, go for it! Take calculated risks, put in a lot of effort.
現在、Naoko Aoki はアメリカで国際安全保障政策、特に北朝鮮に関する研究をしていますが、その前は14年間日本の通信社の記者をしていました。北京特派員を最後に退社し、アメリカに渡って博士号を取得しました。