Eriko Hirano was born in Otsuchicho, Iwate and plays rugby for Japan. She first started playing rugby when she was 6. Eriko is on a six-month exchange at Warringah Rugby Club in Manly. She’s back in her hometown this weekend to celebrate the opening of the new stadium.
What advice do you have for the next generation of women in Japan?
It’s now 7 and a half years since the tsunami when Iwate suffered terrible losses. It’s good that children who love rugby can play at this new stadium but I don’t want them ever to forget 3.11. They need to use this chance to tell the world about Kamaishi and rugby.
平野 恵里子は15人制日本代表Sakura15のメンバー!岩手県大槌町生まれ, 6歳からラグビー。今年の4月からマンリーのワリンガラグビークラブで6ヶ月留学。本日は釜石市鵜住居復興スタジアムオープニングセレモニー参加のため、ふるさとに戻ってきました。