Mihoko Matsubara is Chief Cybersecurity Strategist at NTT. She served the Japanese Ministry of Defense before pursuing an MA at Johns Hopkins University under the Fulbright Program. She participated in 2017 DFAT’s Celebrating Women in Cyber project and has a weekly column for Mainichi.
What advice do you have for the next generation of women in Japan?
Aim high. Identify a solution to challenges people are struggling with. A good sense of humour and true grit will pave the way for you.
松原実穂子は、NTTのチーフ・サイバーセキュリティ・ストラテジストとして、国内外で政府、シンクタンクとの意見交換やブログ、会議を通じた情報発信に取り組む。防衛省で9年間勤務後、フルブライト奨学金で米大学院に進み、米シンクタンク、日米の企業で経験を積みました。Mainichi で連載中。