Christine Mari Inzer was born in Japan, and is ‘half’ Japanese/American. She is a comic artist and Tuttle Books published her novel,“Diary of a Tokyo Teen”, which chronicles her experience in Japan. You can review her current work at @christinemariinzer.
What do you think Japanese companies and/or government needs to do to help women in Japan?
In light of the recent controversy at the Tokyo Medical University, I think that it is important for the government and Japan Inc to remember to be inclusive and supportive of women, and give them the same opportunities rather than making them feel singled out for being women.
What advice do you have for the next generation of women in Japan?
You are never too young to start chasing after your dream career/future/etc. Do not be afraid to put yourself out there!
クリスティーンマリインザー は、日本生まれの日本とアメリカのハーフです。漫画家で、Tuttle Books が彼女が15歳だった時の日本での経験を詳しく述べた「Diary of a Tokyo Teen」という絵日記を出版しました。彼女の作品は Christine Inzer で閲覧できます。
次世代へのアドバイス: あなた方が夢見るキャリアや未来を追いかけ始める時、若過ぎると言うことは決してありません。そこに身を置くことを恐れてはだめ!