Fumiko Ishikawa is CEO of Food Field Creative, a food business consultancy providing marketing, branding & promotional support to companies and she is an Aussie Beef & Lamb Lambasador! She lives with her family in Urawa and supports volunteer activities with All Japan Chefs Assoc.
What do you think Japanese companies and/or government needs to do to help women in Japan?
It’s hard to do everything you want and need to do properly on your own. I had to leave the company I’d been working at for 23 years to look after my sick parent in the end. Independence is one thing but work life balance really is important. Support is key and necessary!
What advice do you have for the next generation of women in Japan?
Smile, never give up on your dreams and move forward one step at a time.Your wisdom and knowledge, and all the experiences you have will help you and guide you. Those people are all around you! Look out for them!
石川史子さんはAussie Beef & Lamb のPR大使、「ラムバサダー」!フードビジネスコンサルタントFood Field Creative代企業のブランド価値向上を目指し、B2B営業戦略や、プロモーション手法を提案する仕事をしています。浦和在住5人家族。司厨士協会等でシェフの活動をボランティア支援しています。