Born in Tokyo, Japanese-American Yukari Sakamoto is the author of Food Sake Tokyo and is a guide to Tokyo's markets. As a working mother she loves that Japan is a safe country for children, especially that even elementary kids can walk to school by themselves.
What do you think Japanese companies and/or government needs to do to help women in Japan?
My impression as a working mother is that there is a lot of pressure for parents, usually the mothers, to get involved in activities such as PTA or supporting team activities. I wish there would be more consideration shown towards working mothers.
What advice do you have for the next generation of women in Japan?
Follow your bliss! I have trained as a chef, sommelier, and shochu advisor and started my own company doing food tours in Tokyo. Being self-employed allows for the luxury of long holidays in the US each summer to raise a bilingual child.
坂本ゆかりは東京生まれの日系アメリカ人。日本の市場を紹介する本 “Food Sake Tokyo” の著者です。 働く母親として、子供が小学校に徒歩通学出来るほどとても安全な国である日本が大好きです。