Nassrine Azimi was born in Iran, is a Swiss citizen, resident of Japan and often the US. She`s recently shifted her sense of identity from global citizen to inhabitant of the Earth. Her passions are comparative cultures, history, the Silk Road, architecture and nature (particularly trees).
What do you think Japanese companies and/or government needs to do to help women in Japan?
Raise the bar, raise the conversation, stop the focus on ‘kawaii’, a term apt mostly for babies and pets! I truly believe Japanese women to be among the strongest I know. Beate Sirota Gordon, with whom I co-wrote a book, was among the first to recognize this great strength.
What advice do you have for the next generation of women in Japan?
Think big! The young generation can solve the mess we leave behind but it must be ready to tackle difficult issues—militarization, destruction of the environment, economic inequality, political tyranny, the dissipation of deep culture.
ナスリーン アジミはイランで生まれ、スイス国籍を持ち、日本としばしば米国に居住しているので、最近、世界市民から地球市民に自分の意識を変えました。 私が情熱を注ぐものは、比較文化、歴史、シルクロード、建築と自然(特に樹木)。
ハードルを上げ、会話の質を高め、赤ちゃんやペットに使われがちな用語「かわいい」 に関心を集中するのを止めましょう。私は日本人女性は、私が知っている国の女性の中で最も強いと信じています。 私が共同執筆した本-Beate Sirota Gordonは、日本女性の力強い勇気を最初に認識した人の一人です。