Jessica Gerrity: born and raised in Auckland, NZ. After graduating Auckland Uni with a Masters in Planning she came to Japan to teach English and has lived in Japan for 15 years now. She is a mother of three and a TV personality (Inagawa Motoko Office talent agency).
What do you think Japanese companies and/or government needs to do to help women in Japan?
More women in upper tier positions in Japanese business and politics, a female Prime Minister, politicians & CEOs, would be great role models. Increasing accessibility to different types of childcare support (babysitters, au pair etc) will make a huge difference.
What advice do you have for the next generation of women in Japan?
Don't settle and don't give up! Continue, gain experience in the career that you have a passion for. Get married or don't, personal decisions like marriage and having children is up to you. If marriage and children eventuate, that doesn't mean you have to leave the work you love.
日本社会の中で首相、政治家、CEOなど上のポジションに女性が就任して欲しい。又、働きたい女性や育児中の家族が楽に働ける様、チャイルドケアのオプションを増やして欲しい。保育園の待機児童を減らす他にベビーシッター、au pairなどのサポートを気軽に利用出来る様になる事を希望します。
職業は「何でもいい」と言わないで! 是非生きがいのある仕事、情熱を感じさせてくれる仕事を見つけて下さい。結婚する、しない、子供を作る、これらの選択は自分で決める事。結婚して子供が生まれても、自分が情熱を感じる職業から離れないでください。