Hiroko Miyamura went to grad school in the UK and since 1991 has worked at the UN, mostly as a political analyst and an elections specialist. She has worked in peacekeeping operations in Cambodia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, East Timor and Sudan. She loves soccer, travel and the arts.
What do you think Japanese companies and/or government needs to do to help women in Japan?
Definitely offering childcare facilities in more neighborhoods and at the workplace - that will hugely help women in the workplace. Women should not be expected to serve tea (or alcohol!) to male colleagues!
What advice do you have for the next generation of women in Japan?
Do what you are passionate about - whether it's DJ'ing, being a mother, and/or becoming a scientist.
宮村浩子はUN で政治アナリスト、選挙スペシャリストとして1991年から勤務する。日本で育つが、インターナショナルスクールで教育を受け、英国の大学院を卒業する。平和維持活動の為、カンボジア、ボスニア、ヘルツェゴビナ、東ティモールやスーダンで従事する。サッカー、旅行、芸術を愛する。
情熱を傾けている事をして下さい。 - 例えばDJになる事、母親になる事、科学者になる事など。