Chikage Terai belongs to Nohgaku Kanze-ryu Shitekata and is determined to share the world of Japanese traditional performance art to Japanese audiences here and overseas. Chikage conducts parent-child workshops, and teaches at Singapore’s Lasalle College of the Arts.
What do you think Japanese companies and/or government needs to do to help women in Japan?
Just 10% of the members of Nohgaku Association are female. Only male Noh dancers are permitted to perform at many events. However, performance by female dancers is increasing. It’s time to consider the role of women in what is essentially a man’s world.
What advice do you have for the next generation of women in Japan?
Your dream will come true. Sometimes it feels like that day will never come but it will. Being authentic and true to yourself and the relationships you have will mean you will get there. Take pride in being a woman and shine!
能楽観世流シテ方の寺井千景は日本の伝統芸能の世界を国内のみならず海外にも発信致したく日本の能楽堂の舞台で舞う事はもちろん、親子教室やワークショップ、海外での能公演参加の他に、シンガポールのLASALLE College of the Artsで実技指導をおこなっております。