Tomomi Watanabe graduated with a nutrition degree. The work was tough and the hours long at her first job and she started to have massages simply to cope. She decided to retrain as a masseuse specialising in dry-head spa/massage. Tomomi owns her own salon in Tokyo now!
What do you think Japanese companies and/or government needs to do to help women in Japan?
Things are changing slowly (flex-time, parental leave etc) but we need to push through so as to allow women to be able to take up new opportunities. In my salon, I want to be able to support women so they can work flexibly and use their time effectively.
What advice do you have for the next generation of women in Japan?
Don’t be restricted by your age or your surroundings - always strive to do things that are right for you and what makes you tick! There is nothing better than when your work is something you love doing. Whatever age you are, smile! That makes you truly shine.
渡部智美は栄養士の短大卒業後、某生命保険会社に勤務し、多忙な日々での疲労が蓄積されマッサージ通いが欠かせなくなる。結婚を機に退職し、ドライヘッドスパの仕事に就く為、合格率わずか1% で合格。現在、代々木上原にて《リフトアップ専門ドライヘッドスパretou》のオーナーを務める。