Mina Uchida was appointed International Student Ambassador by the Brisbane Mayor while studying a Master of Business in PR at QUT. She is building links between Brisbane City and Japan. Mina is helping Dellomano to expand their handmade brownies business in Japan.
What do you think Japanese companies and/or government needs to do to help women in Japan?
Instead of thinking we can’t do something because it has never done before, we should think how we can make it happen. A system that focuses on work efficiency using technology, that accepts various work-styles, not judging by working hours and the number of nomikais you go to!
What advice do you have for the next generation of women in Japan?
Be curious about anything and everything you see (and what you can’t see too): people, animals, countries etc. Be yourself. Open up to accepting people with different personalities, backgrounds, gender and age. Seek what you love and think how you can keep doing what you love.
内田未那は QUTクイーンズランド工科大学大学院でパブリックリレーションズ修士課程を取得中、ブリスベン市長から留学生大使を任命され、🇯🇵とBrisbane City の架け橋になりたいと思う!現在はDellomano というブリスベンにある手作りのブラウニーショップの日本進出を手伝う。
1.人や動物、国、見えるもの見えないもの、色々なことに興味を持つこと 。2.自分らしく生きつつ、様々な性格や生い立ち、性別や年齢の人を受け入れること 。3. 自分が大好きなことを見つけ、それを続けるにはどうしたら良いか考えること。