After high school, Kana Thorpe chose to pursue her dream and studied a Bachelor and a Master’s degree in Environmental Studies and Economics. Kana has devoted herself to public policy making. Currently she works for GR Japan, focusing on policy advocacy activities.
What do you think Japanese companies and/or government needs to do to help women in Japan?
I hope there’ll be fewer people saying “No, because…” more than people saying “Yes, if…”.Those with a positive attitude that welcome change can then introduce policies to provide women with a lot more choices/opportunities and the right environment that incubates their success
What advice do you have for the next generation of women in Japan?
When I failed my school entrance exam, one of my former teachers said ‘it’s not where you went that counts but what you did there”. I can guarantee that even if you don’t know what you want to do, you will find that out if you focus on doing what you enjoy.
ソープ佳奈は日本で高校を卒業後、自然に囲まれながら環境学を学びたいと夢を追いかけ渡豪。ダイビング生活を送りながら環境学・経済学を学士・修士課程で専攻し、大学院卒業後は州政府等で勤務経験を重ね、公共政策策定に従事。現在GR Japan株式会社で日本での公共政策提言活動に献身。
🇯🇵で変化をもたらそう、何か新しいことに取り組みたいと思った時にまずぶつかる壁が「No Because..」といって変化を拒む人たちです。それは政府レベルでも企業レベルでも同様。「Yes if…」と言って前向きに変化を考える政策や対策づくりによって女性が活躍できる選択肢、環境が増えることを期待する。