Today we celebrate the amazing Japanese architect, Kazuyo Sejima, who was born in Ibaraki and graduated from Japan Women’s Uni. She first worked with Toyo Ito but opened her own studio in 1987. Sejima san then founded SANAA with Ryue Nishizawa in 1995.
Holding teaching positions at Tama Art Uni, her alma mater, the University of Applied Arts Vienna and her own business keep her busy. Sejima san was jointly awarded the Pritzker Prize with Nishizawa in 2010, only the second woman to receive this prestigious award.
Upon hearing of the Pritzker, she said, “I’m thrilled to receive such an honor. I have been exploring how I can make architecture that feels open, which I feel is important for a new generation of architecture. With this prize I will continue trying to make wonderful architecture.”
本日は建築家の妹島 和世をCELEBRATEさせていただきます。茨城県生まれ,出身校は日本女子大学。横浜国立大学大学院Y-GSA教授、ウィーン応用芸術大学教授、ミラノ工科大学教授などを務める。#プリツカー賞、日本建築学会賞、他多数受賞。とにかくすごい!SANAAを西沢立衛と共同で運営。