Yuko Otoku graduated from university in Seattle and opened and managed several cafes. After 15 years, she returned to Kanazawa where she opened a coffee shop called ‘curio espresso & vintage design’. Her aim is to introduce Seattle coffee culture to the people in her hometown.
What do you think Japanese companies and/or government needs to do to help women in Japan?
Free education, support for young entrepreneurs.... the Japanese government and corporate Japan needs to somehow pass on real and concrete support that allows people to realise their dreams.
What advice do you have for the next generation of women in Japan?
Be passionate and enjoy what you do. Be curious and take on challenges. Experience different cultures and by doing so test your own value system and thought processes. Doing anything is better than doing nothing.
大徳裕子はシアトルの大学を卒業後、日本人歴史を伝えるためにオープンしたカフェで通訳兼バリスタ、他2店の計バリスタとして5年働く。15年のシアトルの生活から地元金沢に戻りシアトルのコーヒー文化を金沢の街に広めることを目的に 2014年に curio espresso & vintage designを開業。
教育の完全無償化、起業する若者への支援。 政府、企業からの夢を持つ事を可能に経験的サーポート。