Junko Miyagawa is an influencer in the food world. She had to leave work to care for her sick child so after 20 years cooking for her family, Junko studied, qualified and became the expert she is in “taste’ education. She is Chair of the Japan Taste Association, a Lecturer at Ucan and a Lambassador.
What do you think Japanese companies and/or government needs to do to help women in Japan?
Introduction of free public education to prevent physical and mental exhaustion caused by financial hardship incurred by some families with young children. Increase class hours for Home Science subjects and teaching Food and Dietary Education as a mandatory/core subject.
This will help Japanese students to acquire "fundamental living skills" such as maintaining their own health, how to create a lifestyle that suits them, and to have flexible attitudes towards work-style. All these will be key in reducing healthcare costs.
What advice do you have for the next generation of women in Japan?
Love work and play. Determine what you need to do at each different stage of your life, set priorities and get going. Skill and confidence will come once you are passionate and are fully committed. Life is actually quite long...you just have to start things. Age doesn’t matter.
宮川 順子さんは子供のアレルギーを機にアパレル勤務から専業主婦に。20年間の手作り生活の後40代で料理教室を開講。各種資格を取得し味覚教育の専門家として協会を設立。(社)日本味育協会の代表理事、(株)ユーキャン食関連講座主任講師及び料理教室主宰、ラムバサダー数々の肩書きを持つ宮川さん!