Mika Kume is a certified tax accountant, and a partner at Kume Tax Accountants. She lived in Singapore for 10 years from 2001, and worked for EY Singapore. Her hobbies are triathlon and ultramarathon. She ‘s completed the Ironman Triathlon (3.8km swim 180km bike 42km run) 12 times.
What do you think Japanese companies and/or government needs to do to help women in Japan?
Mika lived in Singapore for 10 years where the government subsidises half of the cost of foreign household support. Most families benefit from this. As a result, female workers don’t give up work when they marry or get pregnant. Japan should consider providing such support.
What advice do you have for the next generation of women in Japan?
During Mika’s 10 year stay in Singapore, she bought a house and was granted PR. But she realised how wonderful the natural beauty of four seasons, customs, culture and good manners is when she returned to Japan. Live overseas once. It will make you realise how good Japan is.
久米美香は、久米税理士法人 代表社員 税理士。2001年から10年シンガポールに住み EY Singapore 勤務。趣味はトライアスロン、ウルトラマラソン等。サハラとゴビ砂漠、ネパールのトレイル250KMを走るウルトラマラソンの他アイアンマントライアスロン(3.8km swim 180km bike 42km run)で12 回完走。