Andrea J. Kitahara came to Japan in 1983 on a container ship from Melbourne, settling in rural Ina Nagano, where she’s lived for 30+ yrs. Andrea is a translator, interpreter and educator, and raised her two bilingual kids. Teaches communications at uni while translating children's literature.
What do you think Japanese companies and/or government needs to do to help women in Japan?
In Japan's rapidly aging and shrinking society, government and business must recognise that
women are an essential part of the workplace. Measures need to be implemented to make
best use of the skills of women and integrate then in a flexible and dynamic way.
What advice do you have for the next generation of women in Japan?
Stand up for what you believe to be right and just in any environment - whether it be workplace, educational or social settings. The more voices that are raised, the harder they are to ignore.
職場、教育現場、社会の中でも公平や正しいと思うことのため常に声を上げる 一つ一つの声が重なることで無視できなくなってきます。