In 2014, Ayumi Takaku went to Australia where she graduated from Charles Sturt Uni with a Masters of Commerce. She is a business development coordinator at KPMG. She strives hard to create a stronger Australia-Japan business relationship. Ayumi is proactive in @AJFutureLeaders
What do you think Japanese companies and/or government needs to do to help women in Japan?
Companies should help to create networks to support women. Ayumi is involved in the Australia IT Community and Business Women's Society. Networks help people to express their opinions freely. No need to agree all the time but it's important to listen!
What advice do you have for the next generation of women in Japan?
If you believe in yourself, take action now. You can do more than what you think you can!
女性がより輝ける場所を求めて高久 あゆみさんは2014年に渡豪し、チャールズ・スタート大学にて修士号を取得。現在はKPMGのBusiness Development Coordinatorとして日豪間のビジネス活性化に尽力する一方、@AJBCCFutureLeaders豪州ビジネス女子会等の運営企画にも精力的に取組んでいます。
高久 あゆみさんのアドバイス:自分を信じるなら、すぐに行動に起こすことをお勧めします。あなたに出来ることはあなたが思う以上に沢山ありますよう!