Yuka Sekine was born in Japan and lived in a few countries, including Hong Kong and the US. After attaining her musical theatre degree at Illinois Wesleyan University she moved back to Japan and is now performing with the Shiki Theatre in their production of The Hunchback of Notre Dame.
What do you think Japanese companies and/or government needs to do to help women in Japan?
The rights that women have in Japan are far less than what men have; starting from the difference in salary, frequent sexual/power harassment, no understanding for pregnancy leave etc. This needs to be acknowledged, rather than being accepted as the norm, then put into action.
What advice do you have for the next generation of women in Japan?
Be fearless and reach for your dreams. It’s not the end when you fail, it’s when you give up. So keep going no matter what comes your way, and always keep your head up!
女性の権利はまだまだ平等とは言い切れない。 給料の差から始まり、パワーハラスメントなどの社会問題、育児休業制度への理解など。これらを「問題」として世間が認識してはじめて改善されると考えます。