Yuko Hashimoto is a Movement/Dance Educator. She is a lecturer at Ochanomizu University. After completing undergraduate and graduate studies in Japan, she completed her Masters in Dance Education at the State University of New York. Yuko married her wonderfully supportive husband this year.
What do you think Japanese companies and/or government needs to do to help women in Japan?
A lot depends on whether family and friends close to you accept your dreams and hopes and help you by having your back. A supportive environment is really key to helping you sustain your commitment and sets up a platform that creates success for women.
What advice do you have for the next generation of women in Japan?
Find that thing about yourself that differentiates you from others. Enjoy and cherish what it is that makes you feel energetic. Don’t think too hard about things. It’s good to get advice from others but remember, this is your life and your story.
橋本有子はお茶の水女子大学講師。日本の大学、大学院を経てニューヨーク州立大学大学院修士課程ダンス専攻修了(Chancellor’s Award受賞)。2018年3月にスポーツ健康科学博士取得、同時に、やりたいことを応援してくれ、社会で活躍することを心から喜んでくれる良き理解者である熊のような夫と結婚。
自分にしかない色形を自覚して、人と違うことを楽しんで誇りを持ってください。ワクワクする心やからだの感覚を大切に、頭で考えすぎずに。人生の先輩のアドバイスは参考程度に聞くのは良いですが、最後は自分、決めるのは自分! 自分だけのストーリーを紡いでいってくださいね。