Kiyo Weiss is Director of Regional and Premium Sales, Asia Pacific for Air Canada. She joined Air Canada 9 years ago after working for Japanese, British and American companies. Kiyo is responsible for generating passenger revenue from Asia Pacific countries.
What do you think Japanese companies and/or government needs to do to help women in Japan?
Regardless of gender, the working style of Japanese work needs to change. Expectations are too high. We need to promote work-life balance. With that, both women and men will be able to equally take care of home and work, allowing women to play a larger role in the economy.
What advice do you have for the next generation of women in Japan?
Know what makes you happy and create an environment in which you can do what you love all the time. There are things that individuals are good at and bad at but if you really want to do something and put your heart to it, you are capable of anything.
ワイス貴代は、エア・カナダのアジア太平洋地区の総括支社長。大学卒業後三井物産に入社。1年半後、イギリス、アメリカの外資系企業に転職。9年ほど前に現在のAir Canada に入社しました。