Lisa Miyasugi is a former Japan National Open Water Swimming Champion and was selected to represent Japan in the 2008 Beijing Olympics. Lisa established E3 Fit to teach Open Water swim techniques and programs to swimmers of all levels.
What do you think Japanese companies and/or government needs to do to help women in Japan?
Lisa is pregnant and more than ever notes the importance of providing better support to people on maternity leave and working mothers. Society backs the need for support but the reality is that there are still serious challenges.
What advice do you have for the next generation of women in Japan?
Everyone wants to be satisfied in their private and professional worlds. My own life has seen many twists and turns but my advice to the next generation is to find the place that makes you happy, where you can fully engage, and that will be your pathway.
本日は、全日本オープンウォータースイミングチャンピオン(OWS)、北京オリンピック代表候補の宮杉理紗を祝福します。競泳とOWSの経験を元に「E3 Fit」を設立。OWS練習会など様々なプログラム&レッスンを通じて独自のスイム指導を行ってます。
現在妊娠中ということもあり、産休や働くママに対するサポートは必須だと身をもって感じています。働くママへのサポートは社会的にもメジャーになってきましたが、やはり現実は厳しいことも多々あると聞いているので、もっとサポートが増えると良いと思います 。