Today, we celebrate Japan’s first female bathhouse (sento) artist, Mizuki Tanaka. After majoring in art history at Meiji Gakuin, Mizuki took up an apprenticeship with artist Morio Nakajima. She went onto grad school and then worked at an art material company.
Mizuki set up on her own in 2013, marrying the man she calls her ‘odd jobs man’ (as he has made most of the wooden props & tools she needs to paint). She has painted in many sentos in Japan. The video of her collaboration with Audi Japan is amazing! View here.
2013年に独立し、便利屋を営む夫と結婚。足場を組むなど手助けをしてもらいながら、全国各地の様々な場所でペンキ絵を制作し銭湯の魅力を伝えている。2015年、ドイツの自動車メーカー Audi Japanと銭湯のコラボで描いた富士山とアウディのペンキ絵は、大きな話題を呼んだ。