Tia Haygood is a North Carolinian and 3 years into her ‘crazy idea of owning a photography business in Tokyo’. When not photographing clients, Tia loves cooking. Tia is a proud FEW Japan member and supports other local NPOs such as Mirai no Mori, TELL and Run for the Cure.
What do you think Japanese companies and/or government needs to do to help women in Japan?
Japan should really back off on making Japanese women both the long and short term solutions to it's shrinking population and economy. If Japan's government wants women to be successful, it needs to put women in a position to be successful. We need better leadership training and more opportunities for young women to expand their potential. The government should take steps to destroy the idea that women are no good to the workplace once they have started a family. We need more examples of confident female leaders not cute idols.
What advice do you have for the next generation of women in Japan?
Facing your fears confidently is key. Being firm to the boss or responding to a negative email can be nerve wracking but it can also make us stronger and place us further up the road in our journey. When you feel fear, recognise it, step around it and press forward.
ティア・ヘイグッドはノースカロライナ出身。無謀とも言える東京で写真家をやるという夢、3年目です。お客様の撮影以外、複数の食のブログの映像と写真を撮っています。特にスープやシチューを作ることが好きです FEW Japan の会員で、ほかのNPOを支援してます。