Today we celebrate Aki Higuchi, Executive Director of Selan inc. Aki’s father is Japanese and her mother Chinese. She spent her childhood in China and the US. After graduating from Beijing University, Aki joined Recruit then moved on to set up Selan.
Selan provides Chinese language learning opportunities via a range of different platforms, including Youtube. Aki hopes to to get expand business and by doing so provide opportunities for children. In 2017, she was selected as a member of WEF Global Shapers.
バイリンガルお姉さんによる語学教育サービス『お迎えシスター』やインタビューサイト『belong』の運営、YouTubeで『Akiの落書きチャイニーズ』を配信するなど、子どもたちに選択肢を広げることを目指した事業を展開。2017年世界経済フォーラムWEF Global Shapersメンバーに選出。