Natsuko Shiraki is an entrepreneur, Founder and CEO of jewelry brand HASUNA. She works with gem miners and craftspeople from ten countries incl. Peru, Pakistan and Rwanda, producing jewelry and implementing ethical manufacturing. Natsumi works hard to promote a culture of ethical consumption in Japan.
What do you think Japanese companies and/or government needs to do to help women in Japan?
It is necessary for everyone to support proactively giving women the chance to become managers or executives, and to support women's political advancement. Japan is a great country yet I feel like there are many women with a low sense of self-affirmation. We need to support them.
What advice do you have for the next generation of women in Japan?
In anything, I think it is important to first have a go. I believe, and I am realising myself, that if you go forward without fear of failure or criticism, there is a wonderful world awaiting you that no-one has seen.
白木夏子は起業家。ジュエリーブランドHASUNA Founder and CEO。HASUNAでは、ペルー、パキスタン、ルワンダほか世界約10カ国の宝石鉱山労働者や職人とともにジュエリーを制作し、エシカルなものづくりを実践。日本におけるエシカル消費文化の普及につとめている。