Tomoko Oka is a calligraphy artist living in Australia. In the early days, the language barrier made things difficult so she decided to pursue calligraphy. Tomoko conducts workshops & performance of calligraphy. Her work has been featured by JAL and Opera Australia.
What do you think Japanese companies and/or government needs to do to help women in Japan?
More education support is needed as this will help to bring about the change that is very much required. Japanese companies and the government should provide more support, not only to women, but also to people who have different backgrounds.
What advice do you have for the next generation of women in Japan?
You can move around the world and live in a range of places. One of my colleagues, who was living overseas at the time, told me this very thing and here I am now living in Australia.
本日は書道家の岡智子さんを紹介します。会社員を辞めて来豪。英語ができず追い詰められた時に書道を褒められた経験を機に書道を生涯追求すると決意。オーストラリアに移住後、書道のワークショップや披露を行う。昨年JALやOpera Australia の広告にも使われた。