Kusumi Atsumi is CEO of Atsumi and Company and also CEO of Angkor Cookies. Katsumi works hard to create an environment (both in Japan and overseas) where women can work, grow and learn to be leaders. The company also provides marketing, business development and operational advice.
What do you think Japanese companies and/or government needs to do to help women in Japan?
I think the most important support both government and corporates should do to help women is to provide proper childcare. Our company has childcare facilities and I see the positive effect of this for both parents and children.
What advice do you have for the next generation of women in Japan?
Work as hard as you possibly can while you are young. The skills you learn will be invaluable. If you have financial freedom (savings as well) you will have greater options to match the work you do to the lifestyle you want to have.
楠見敦美はアツミアンドカンパニー 代表取締役CEO兼アンコールクッキー社長も勤めています。日本、海外共に、女性が働きやすい環境作り、女性リーダーの育成支援を核として、事業を展開する。 資本政策、新規事業開発、広報マーケティング、オペレーション統括、+人事政策を主の業務としています。