Today we celebrate Kuniko Oya, who until last year was a flight attendant for ANA. Kuniko was studying to be a teacher when a trip to Europe saw her change plans and she joined ANA in 1974 (at which time the age of retirement was 30). As time passed, the retirement age was raised and Kuniko Oya became the first flight attendant to work to 65. Kuniko worked for a total of 45 years at ANA, and a total flight time in excess of 30,000 hours - a pioneer international flight attendant.
本日は元全日空室乗務員の大宅邦子さんを紹介します。彼女は教員養成課程のある大学に進学していたが、欧州旅行をきっかけに子どもからの夢であった客室乗務員を目指すことを決断。大学を中退し1974年にANA に入社。当時は定年が30歳でした。