Today we celebrate Sue Gannon, a panelist at the ANZCCJ event. Sue is Division COO, Global Development, Diversity and HR Strategic Advisor at Suntory, based in Tokyo. Sue moved to Tokyo in July 2017 and heads up Suntory University.
Suntory University provides leadership, cultural and business development programs. Sue is also responsible for Suntory’s global diversity agenda, which is aimed at the advancement and development of women across the globe. She is a mother of two.
本日は ANZCCJの国際女性デーのイベントのパネリストの1人、スー・ガノンさんを紹介します。サントリーホールディングス suntory のヒューマンリソース・グローバル人事副COOです。スープ会社キャンベルやビームサントリーなど多くの企業で人材戦略の重要な役職を歴任。