Today we celebrate Tokyo born and raised artist, Konore. Konore is a solo artist and also plays in the multi-generation band, Controversial Spark, a band that has members in their 20s through to their 60s.
Konore is a writer, a musician and a performer. Konore started the piano at four, then took up the guitar at 14. She began singing vocals and playing in bands.
Her website for details where you can see her play:
Follow Konore on Twitter at @_konore_.
本日はソロでもバンドでも活躍中のKonore をCelebrate させていただきます。作曲のほか、作詞や執筆活動も精力的に行うアーティストです。20代から60代まで世代を越えたメンバーで構成されたロック・バンド、Controversial Sparkのメンバーでもあります。 .Konore は4歳からピアノを習う。14歳でギターを弾き始める。キュートでプリミティヴな歌声と、ガレージ・90'sオルタナティヴ・UKインディーを思わせるギタープレイ、天外な詩世界を混ぜた"逸楽主義"的表現を世界に向けて発信中。