Today we celebrate Pia Aiko Tokiyama, owner of a B&B La Betulia. Pia worked in investment banking before starting her business and recently finished her MBA. She says the decision to leave a banking career to run a small boutique hotel was both frightening and exhilarating.
What do you think Japanese companies and/or government needs to do to help women in Japan?
We need more women in politics, reshaping the legislation and the future of a more inclusive Japan.
What advice do you have for the next generation of women in Japan?
Pia says her advice for the next generation is to stay true to yourself, be a powerful mentor and always be kind to others.
Follow Pia on Twitter at @AikoPia
本日紹介するのは日系メキシコ人でオアハカで最も人気のあるB&Bの1つLa Betulia オーナーのピア・アイコ・トキヤマさん です。以前は投資銀行業界に身を置き、その後MBAを取得。投資銀行から起業家への転身は勇気がいりましたが、今では自信を持って満足できる決断でした。