Today we celebrate Renho, Deputy Leader of the Constitutional Democratic Party of Japan. Renho is an Upper House member of the Japanese Diet. First elected in 2004, her key policies support women and children and better visibility of public finances.
What do you think Japanese companies and/or government needs to do to help women in Japan?
Changes required include increasing the number of women in parliament. In this year’s Upper House election, the CDP intends to have women as 40% of its candidates. Corporations need to urgently address the gender gap through equality in wages and the work environment.
What advice do you have for the next generation of women in Japan?
All young women have great potential. Be brave and break down gender bias and other barriers. My party will support you with policies to do this. Together with the next generation of young women, let’s creat new pathways.
本日は立憲民主党 CDP の副代表Renho 蓮舫さんを紹介させていただきます。全ての子ども達を支援することを目指し、2004年に参議院議員に初当選しました。以降、子ども施策、女性支援、行財政改革、行政監視に取り組んでます。