Today we profile Melanie Brock, Celebrating Women in Japan founder and Melanie Brock Advisory CEO. Melanie is from Albany, Western Australia, and has been in Japan for 27 years. At 17 she spent a year in Aomori as an exchange student, studied back in Oz and then returned with her 2 kids in 1995.
Melanie set up her company in 2003, was the first female ANZCCJ Chair and is Chair Emeritus. Since 3.11, Melanie has supported Tohoku and is a goodwill ambassador for Hachinohe, Iitatemura in Fukushima and Kamaishi, Iwate.
Melanie has been engaged in Australia-Japan relations for many years. She was on the AJF Board for 5 years until 2015 and is on the Board of the AJBCC. She was one of Australia’s delegates at W20. Melanie is a mum of two terrific young men and a grandmother of three.
本日は”Celebrating Women in Japan”の創設者、(株)Melanie Brock AdvisoryのCEOのメラニー・ブロックです。西オーストラリア出身で27年日本に住んでいます。17歳の時、青森県八戸市に交換留学生として1年を過ごし、その後、豪州の大学で同時通訳の資格を取って子どもを連れて再来日。
2003年に会社を設立しました。女性初のANZCCJ 会頭として6年半務め、現在は名誉会頭として活躍しています。2011年に東日本大震災での復興支援活動により、東北地方の青森県八戸市、福島県飯舘村、そして岩手県釜石市で親善大使に就任。