Lori Henderson is the British Chamber of Commerce's Executive Director. She moved to Japan in 2003. Lori was awarded an MBE in the Queen's New Years Honours list for services to post 3.11 and to the British business community. She is the mum to a very busy 18 month old, Hope.
What do you think Japanese companies and/or government needs to do to help women in Japan?
The majority of Japanese women haven't stepped onto the corporate treadmill. In their own peaceful way, protesting against corporate structure by opting out - being fulltime homemakers and/or starting their own businesses. The world has a lot to learn from Japanese women!
What advice do you have for the next generation of women in Japan?
Do it your way. Ask for what you want. Create the new.
そもそも大半の日本人女性は、止まることのない企業社会というトレッドミルに乗ってすらいません。独特の穏便なやり方で企業社会に抗議してきたのです― 企業社会から完全に身を引く、専業主婦になるというかたち、あるいは自ら起業すること。世界は日本の女性から学べることが、たくさんあるのです!
Follow Lori on Twitter at @loriinjapan
Follow the British Chamber of Commerce in Japan at @BCCJapan