Yukiko Takayanagi graduated from Kansai University. She worked in publishing and is now a freelance writer and food stylist. Yukiko started her own Not for Profit Organisation (NPO) to promote the history, culture of Minato, where she has lived for 30 years. She also conducts monthly walking tours and seminars.
What do you think Japanese companies and/or government needs to do to help women in Japan?
Japan’s female participation rate in the Diet is 11.3% (2017) - the lowest amongst advanced countries and less than half of the global standard. Social reform should take into consideration the role of women, as voters. Then Japan will develop more policies that support women.
What advice do you have for the next generation of women in Japan?
Keep going. Sometimes you have to stop and have a break from things you really want to do but commit to moving forward when you can. Always be ready to get going is really important. I am still struggling to do this myself but...
高柳由紀子さんは関西大学社会学部卒業、出版社勤務を経てフリーランスライター ・フードスタイリスト。港区在住30年。区の文化歴史に魅せられ、麻布、六本木さらに遠くへという意味を込めてNPOあざ六プラスを立ち上げ、理事長に就任。毎月港区周辺の街歩き、セミナーを実施している。
とにかく続ける。やろうと決めた仕事は、立ち止まってもいいけど、明日はまた歩き出すという姿勢が必要だと思います。このことは 私にも課せられています(笑).
Check out Yukiko’s website at http://www.aza6plus.net