Born and raised in Japan, Kaoru Nishinakagawa moved to Australia 7 years ago. After getting her MBA at the Australian Graduate School of Management, she co-founded Innovation Dojo, which assists startups to enter the Japanese market and provides cross-cultural entrepreneurship programs.
What do you think Japanese companies and/or government needs to do to help women in Japan?
Japanese society is changing but the traditional view of how women should be affects life choices. Education should change and develop a proper understanding of gender equality. STEM and entrepreneurship education for girls and young women will drive change and equip them!
What advice do you have for the next generation of women in Japan?
Don’t be afraid to make mistakes. Failing sometimes opens new doors. I found my passion in my late 30s and transformed my life, failing many times but this has only added depth to my life. I have no regrets and have made bold decisions...I only wish I had started sooner!
日本で生まれ、西中川薫さんは7年前にオーストラリアに移住。MBAを取得後、日豪間を新たな方法で結ぶべInnovation Dojoを設立。国境を越えたイノベーションを促進し、大学生や若手に異文化間アントレプレナープログラムを提供、そしてオーストラリアの起業家達の日本市場進出をサポート。