Shoko Suzuki is Statutory Executive Officer & Chief Marketing Officer at MetLife Japan. Shoko is passionate about changing Japanese people's negative perception of retirement. Raised in a traditional family who never travelled abroad she became curious to see the world.
Why do you like being a businesswoman in Japan?
I like being a business woman in Japan and being a Japanese business woman working globally. Our community and support network has helped us get where we are and I hope for more fulfilment in the future.
What do you hope to gain from your PwC Japan WIA delegation to AMPLIFYplus in Australia?
I would like to widen my horizon by practicing ‘Growth Mind-set’ and to network with great people.
鈴木祥子さんはメットライフ生命保険のチーフマーケティングオフィサーを務めています。昨年9月から、Met Life Japan は老後を豊かなものにするお手伝いをするための取り組みを開始。個人的には、両親共に海外に出たことがない典型的な日本の家庭で育ち、小さい頃から海外に興味を持つようになった
PwC Japan WomeninAction からオーストラリアのAMPLIFYplusへの派遣で、どのような事を得たいと思いますか?